Integrity Matters Broadcasts

January 22, 2004

Attribute #1 - CHARACTER: Consistency between word and deed*
* from Bracher Center’s Eight Attributes for Building an Integrity-Centered Company

Dear Friends,

Many years ago, a wise and successful client said that leadership often consists of “going to meetings and repeating things.” He also said that he never wanted to do anything in his business life that would not pass the scrutiny of his mother’s value system. Here were two powerful lessons: patient, persistent and purposeful repetition; and, operational transparency. Upon these two actions depend many of the rules for productivity and success. 2004 promises to demand more of everyone. A recovering economy requires that everyone listen more perceptively, think more clearly and respond more constructively. With confessions of corporate wrong-doers making news along with headline-capturing celebrities attempting to justify scandalous behavior, there are many reasons to believe that integrity will remain a hot topic. Who knows, integrity could very possibly become a national conversation. Certainly, that is the hope that Dan Halloran and I have maintained with reference to the writing and now publication of our soon-to-be released book, Integrity Matters.

Please join with us and help make 2004 a year of positive change and proportion. By personal example, teach the lessons of integrity, accountability and stewardship. We invite you to read the first Integrity Matters column of 2004 to serve as a reminder to center our thinking while challenging us to expand the national conversation on integrity.

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